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How the Go Plus Under Desk Treadmill Made My Chronic Back Pain Disappear

I know exactly what it’s like to be stuck in a 9-5 desk job, with long hours of sitting causing chronic back pain that just won’t go away. For the longest time, I dealt with the same problem. My back pain was relentless, and no matter what I tried,  medication, stretching, ergonomic chairs, it would always come back. But then, everything changed when I decided to invest in a Go Plus under desk treadmill. I never thought walking would make such a massive difference, but here I am, pain-free and better than ever. So here, I’ll review what I experienced using the Go Plus under desk treadmill and how it made my back pain disappear.

The Back Pain Struggle: Been There, Done That

My back pain was unbearable, and I was tired of relying on medication just to get by. The problem was clear, that I was sitting too much. But how do you balance work and staying active when your job requires you to be glued to your desk for hours on end?

Goplus under desk treadmill has a touchable LED display and a wireless remote control, which attracted me the most. It is super convenient to adjust without needing to bend over or stop walking. It also features 3 workout modes and 12 different programs, which means I can set the mode or speed as I like. When I’m on work calls or drafting emails, I usually opt for slow strolls. One of the things I loved right off the bat was how compact it is. It easily fits under my desk and doesn’t take up much space in my home office. Plus, it doesn’t make much noise, so my clients don’t even notice that I’m working out.

How Walking Helped My Back Pain Disappear

The very first day I started using the goplus under desk treadmill, I could already tell a difference. I was walking at a slow pace while working on emails and calls. The pain in my lower back that had been plaguing me for years, started to ease up.

Within a week I noticed that I hadn’t reached for any pain medication. Not once! My back pain was fading, and I wasn’t experiencing the usual tightness that would set in after hours of sitting. Can you believe it? 

It Is Worth Every Single Penny!

TBH, at first, I was hesitant to spend the money. But I didn’t know it would be this good! The go plus under desk treadmill has been a savior for my back pain, productivity, and overall health. Not to mention, I can finally work without the looming fear of that nagging pain returning. If you’re hesitant to invest in it, I kid you not, just get it, and thank me later!  You don’t realize how much pain you’re in until you start moving more and realize it can be gone for good.

Final Thoughts

Mahira Ather
Mahira Ather

Mahira is a passionate Blog writer/Copywriter who specializes in health and fitness content. With a BBA degree, She brings a unique blend of business acumen and wellness expertise to every post. Dedicated to providing actionable advice and the latest trends in fitness, She aims to inspire and empower readers to achieve their health goals.

Articles: 30