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Can a Walking Pad Help You Lose Weight? Here’s What You Need to Know

Walking is extremely important for our health. It keeps our body active and enhances the natural process of calorie burning. That’s why people use treadmills to include walking in their routine. However, not everyone can find the time for this, which is why walking pads are becoming increasingly popular. These convenient walking pads are compact and portable, allowing you to use them even while working. That’s why workaholics prefer them, as they can incorporate physical exercise into their routine without interrupting their work. If you’re also thinking about ways to lose weight, read on to find out how effective is a walking pad for weight loss.

How Walking Pads Boost Metabolism and Aid in Weight Loss

Walking pads are especially helpful in increasing metabolic rate which is a key factor in weight loss. Any time your body is in motion, such as walking, your body is using energy in the form of calories and this helps boost your metabolic rate. That is why it is easier to achieve a calorie deficit, the more you walk. However, it is not just about how many calories you burn in your walk. A walking pad can also cause an increase in your basic metabolic rate which means that you can burn more calories in addition to those that you burn when walking. It has a positive impact if you have a desk job or do other sedentary work that involves sitting most of the time. 

walkingpad for weight lose

How Many Calories Can You Burn on a Walking Pad?

You can burn several calories on the walking pad depending on the number of calories you possess, your speed, and the amount of time you walk. For instance, a 150-pound person would burn about 100 calories when walking at a moderate speed every 30 minutes. Moreover, there is the potential to burn more calories if you go a bit faster or set an incline. If you walk for an hour a day, this could help burn between 200 to 300 calories a day which is quite considerable in the long run. If you want to seize the day, complement the walking pad sessions with other routines that boost your daily calorie burning. You can take the stairs instead of an escalator or lift or walk a little before or after hitting the pad.

How to Structure Your Routine for Weight Loss With Walking Pad Workouts

You need to set a specific plan for your walking pad to further enhance its effectiveness in your weight loss journey. Start with a specific amount of walking that you want to be achieved daily bearing in mind your fitness level and the amount of time at your disposal. Do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity walking and increase the speed gradually. To make walking more engaging and make the body work harder at different paces, try strolling with periodic bursts of energetic walking. You can also divide your walking sessions into some small sessions which will be more effective if done frequently in a day. It keeps you active apart from making it simplified to including physical exercise in your tight schedule. Also, sticking to a routine is important, try to establish the best routine to use in your practice.

Proven Strategies to Enhance Weight Loss with Your Walking Pad

The following are some guidelines to help you achieve your weight loss goal when using a walking pad.

  1. Make a routine where you walk as often as possible, even if it’s for a short period of 10 to 15 minutes. Short but more frequent workouts are as beneficial as longer ones. 
  2. Add some variation into walking by either increasing the interval or increasing the tempo. You won’t get bored with exercising while at the same time, you can increase the calories you burn. 
  3. Track your progress, use steps, distance, and calories as guidelines to track your fitness using a tracker or an application. Tracking your progress keeps you motivated to achieve those milestones. 
  4. Lastly, do not neglect a proper diet. Adding a smart nutrition plan to your walking routine will intensify and maximize the effects and help you shed extra pounds even quicker.

Pairing a Walking Pad with a Balanced Diet: The Ultimate Weight Loss Combo

Calorie control is the perfect way to lose weight and hence walkingpads can help in achieving this goal, though with a proper nutrition plan. A proper diet gives the body what it requires and helps in achieving calorie reduction for a slimming routine. Concentrate on consuming foods that are natural and rich in nutrients among them vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains. Stay away from foods containing added sugars and unhealthy fats as they will hamper your efforts. Moreover, incorporating a walking pad into your routine, paired with a nutritious diet, can be a game changer.


Walking pads are excellent for achieving a slim waist. The key is to stay consistent with your routine and pair it with a healthy diet for the best results. You’ll never regret investing in a walking pad, as it’s designed with convenience and reliability in mind. So when in doubt, take out your walking pad, go for a stroll, and multitask as you please. Walking pads integrate more physical activity into your daily routine than treadmills. They’re one of the best pieces of equipment you can own. Get ready to achieve your fitness goals and choose your ideal under-desk treadmill today.

Mahira Ather
Mahira Ather

Mahira is a passionate Blog writer/Copywriter who specializes in health and fitness content. With a BBA degree, She brings a unique blend of business acumen and wellness expertise to every post. Dedicated to providing actionable advice and the latest trends in fitness, She aims to inspire and empower readers to achieve their health goals.

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